Sunday, October 11, 2020

Am I?

- wrote this way back 2018. 
I was at that time pressured, stressed and tired. 
You can check my instagram account.


Am I?

Saturday, October 10, 2020

I want to be his SMILE

 Title: I want to be his SMILE

Dedicated to the man I loved, this is for you.
- ringowritesomething

My Name is Ringo


Hi! My name is Ringo

Do I need to introduce myself?

I'm actually broke. That's all! 

Other than being broke, I love writing. You can actually read it in my profile. 
But I guess, writing is not really for me. But then, because I'm stubborn, I keep writing and writing. It is because I don't have any skills or talents. 

I actually have multiple accounts. 
You can follow me:

For learning Japanese:
IG Account: straygurl_22
Youtube account: Straygurl TV

For my writing page:
IG Account: ringowritesomething
Youtube: My Ringo Stories 

For my travel stories: 
IG Account: ringoessomewhere

These are my active accounts. I have other accounts but I couldn't remember them. You can check it. 

Anyway, I'm hoping I can continue in writing here. Cross my fingers. 
Because I actually stop updating my page for learning Japanese. (haist)

- Ringo  

My Name is RINGO